Program Magister Akuntansi FEB UGM kembali meluluskan 16 orang wisudawan pada periode 27 Oktober 2011 ini. Acara pelepasan wisudawan dilaksanakan di Ruang Sidang II FEB UGM yang dihadiri oleh Dekan: Prof. Marwan Asri, MBA., Ph.D.; Ketua Pengelola Program: Prof. Dr. Jogiyanto, MBA.; Wakil Pengelola Program: Dr. Agus Setiawan, M.Soc.Sc.; para wisudawan dan keluarganya. Pada kesempatan ini Prof. Marwan Asri, MBA., Ph.D. menyampaikan harapan agar para wisudawan yang sekarang sudah menyandang predikat alumni ini dapat menjadi alumni yang memiliki integritas tinggi, jujur, dan dapat menjaga nama baik almamater. Disinggung juga bahwa keberhasilan yang dicapai oleh para wisudawan tidak terlepas dari pengorbanan keluarga yang telah merelakan waktu yang menjadi hak mereka karena ditinggal untuk menyelesaikan studi.
On 21-22 October 2011 the then Faculty Maksi Program has successfully organized the annual working meeting attended by managers and all employees. This working meeting is the first working meeting held outside the campus environment. In this year Puri Asri Magelang chosen as the meeting place to hold this. The reason why the meeting is held outside the campus environment, among others, is to get participants to focus follow the activities of the meeting without being distracted by routine work on campus.
Berikut ini adalah agenda kegiatan untuk TPA bulan November 2011
Graduation Graduate Period I FY 2011/2012 will be held on Wednesday, October 26, 2011. At graduation this time period, the Program Master of Accounting Faculty of Economics and Business will be inaugurated 16 prospective graduates. Here are the candidates for graduates Program Master of Accounting Faculty of Economics and Business
Program Master of Accounting Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will hold a freshman orientation on Thursday, October 6, 2011. This activity will be followed by new students, ie students 24 (Regular) and 12 (Part Time). Will attend the event that the Chairman Studies Programme Prof. Jogiyanto HM, MBA, Ph. D, along with Vice Chairman of Program Agus Setiawan, M. Soc. Sc, Ph. D.
Mid-September, exactly on the date of 12 s / d 16 September 2011 yesterday Program Master of Accounting Ecomics & Business Faculty Gadjahmada University held a study visit to Malaysia and Singapore. Most of the MAKSI staff participated in this comparative study, and also Chairman Manager Prof. Jogiyanto HM, MBA, Ph.D, along with Vice Chairman Agus Setiawan, M. Soc. Sc, P.Hd
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