To develop scientific insights, students of the Master of Accounting (Maksi), Faculty of Economics, Unversitas Cenderawasih, Papua attended a short lecture which was a collaboration with the Accounting Master’s Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Gadjah Mada University (UGM). Short lecture were held on Monday, August 28, 2017 to Wednesday, August 30, 2017 at the FEB UGM. The activity attended by 26 students from the Cenderawasih University welcomed by the head of the Master of Accounting Program FEB UGM, Prof. Dr. Abdul Halim, M.B.A and opened by the Head of Master of Accounting Program, Universitas Cenderawasih, Dr. Meinarni Asnawi, S.E., M.Sc.
In her speech, Meinarni Asnawi conveyed that the main purpose of the visit of the Students to UGM was to open the horizons to a more complex world of lectures. According to her, Maksi Universitas Cenderawasih students tend to be more ‘relaxed’ in carrying out the obligation to study, write thesis and journal. It is hoped that by taking part in the short lecture in UGM, students will be motivated to improve the quality of their learning so they can finish their studies well.
The short lecture material delivered to students consists of; Public Sector Financial Accounting, Forensic Auditing, Sector Management Accounting, Public, Applied Research Methods, Applied Research Methods, Auditing Compliance & Internal Control, and Asset Management. The short lecturer presenters are lecturers and teaching staff from FEB UGM who are qualified in their fields. The speakers consist of; Prof. Dr. Abdul Halim, M.B.A., Ak. CA .; Prof., Dr. Jogiyanto Hartono M, M.B.A., Ak., CMA., CA .; Prof. Mahfud Sholihin, Ph.D .; Irwan Taufiq Ritonga, S.E., M.Bus., Ph.D., CA., Taufikur Rahman, M.B.A., Ak., CA; Jaswadi, S.E., M.Sc., DBA., Ak., CA., CPA .; and Erhman Suhartono, S.E., M.Sc.
During the short lecture, the participants were also given the opportunity to access library collections owned by Maksi FEB UGM and the FEB UGM library. The participants were introduced to the SIPUS UGM, the UGM Library Information System, which made it easier for students to access library collections throughout UGM through online networks. Besides SIPUS UGM, participants were also introduced to EBSCO which is a database of e-books and journals from various countries. In addition to books, journals and literature, the participants were also given access to read a collection of theses from the FEB UGM Maksi. It is expected that by accessing the FEB UGM Maksi collection, participants can be inspired to write thesis and journals.