Master of Accounting Program (MAKSI or Magister Akuntansi in Indonesian) Gadjah Mada University has been pioneered since 2002. This process is the transplantation of two excellent programs that already exist, Department of Accounting Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM and Master of Science Program (Accounting). Many of highest quality academic awards has been obtained by the both programs. This transplantation process is intended to accelerate self-reliance, especially in terms of quality education in Master of Accounting. For four years, this program has successfully contributed to the society, both from the scientific, human resources and development of public and private organizations.
MAKSI program has successfully developed five (5) concentration, namely: Public Sector Accounting, Financial Accounting, Accounting Management, Information Systems Management and Audit, in which each concentration was able to develop themselves as teaching applied, with differences in content and teaching methods of research. From the input side, students who pursuing Master of Accounting Program has been largely worked, and they have adequate experience, and after completing the program graduates or graduate program, they have more comprehensive knowledge and they are able to present the solution in addressing the problems of organization of an accounting perspective. In various surveys from the field, the ability of this embryonic program graduates have been known for its reliability and his/her skill in solving problems faced by the company or organization.
From the development of public sector organizations and local governments side, many alumni of this embryonic program has done a significant breakthrough in managerial procedures and hospital administration. Cooperation with several government agencies, such as the Financial Supervisory Agency (BPK or Badan Pengawas Keuangan in Indonesian) Yogyakarta City Goverment, and Ambon City Goverment, have done well. Practitioners around Yogyakarta has also requested permission to sit in (sit and hear) in the classroom.
From the development of private sector organizations side, various alumnus has successfully promoted to managerial positions. This is due to the acceleration of management problem-solving capabilities. Various professional organizations and practitioners, such as the Chamber of Commerce, AMA and IAI, has asked the MAKSI program’s teachers to give some series workshop of the available courses. In addition, the development of software and case material which collected per concentration has proven very beneficial for students in simulating the real world.