The available facilities in the Master of Accounting Program (MAKSI) Gadjah Mada University include:
- Air conditioned classrooms with amenities of Information Technology.
- Discussion room with computers that are connected to the internet.
- Hot Spot Area (Wi-Fi) inside the campus.
- Online journal (EBSCO, Proquset, etc.).
- Integrated Program Library Unit of UGM which has a collection of books totaling 123,736 copies with 92,872 titles of books and 2,717 copies of journals and magazines collections.
- Graduate Library of UGM which has a collection of books amounted to 11,803 copies and 9,108 copies of journals and magazines collection.
- Faculty of Economics Library of UGM which has a collection of books amounted to 26,247 copies and 16,289 copies of journals and magazines collection.
- Book store owned by Gadjah Mada University’s Faculty of Economics.
- Literature laboratory of Gadjah Mada University’s Faculty of Economics.
- Gadjah Mada University’s Language Training Center.
- Gadjah Mada Medical Clinic Center.
- MAKSI’s reference library.
- Free coffee break and lunch (weekend class only).
- Wide parking area.